Locally heavy rain. Precipitation amount forecasted from 30 to 60 mm in 12 hours.
BE PREPARED to protect yourself and your property. Some flooding of properties and transport networks are possible. Disruption to power, communications and water supplies are possible. Some evacuations may be required. Dangerous driving conditions due to reduced visibility and aquaplaning
Varoitus voimassa to klo 2:00 - pe klo 1:00
Locally gale force winds 8 beaufort. BE AWARE of debris being blown around. Localised outdoor activity disruption is possible due to debris.
Varoitus voimassa pe klo 0:00 - pe klo 4:00
Locally thunderstorms.
BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.
Varoitus voimassa to klo 2:00 - pe klo 1:00
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