The Finnish Ice Hockey Association is expecting over 3 000 Canadian fans to attend the semifinal between Team Finland and Team Sweden in the World Junior Championship in Helsinki on Monday. The Swedes may be anxious because some of the Canadians are rooting for Finland.
– Hakkaa päälle Suomen poika! Canadians are chanting in the hotel lobby of Radisson Blu Plaza Helsinki.
That's a Finnish chant. After Team Canada's disappointing exit, Alex Smith, Jason Verhelst, Nic Rusak and Adam Chambers believe it's time to cheer for Finland.
– Tuukka Rask is one of my favourite players, Chambers rejoices, when handed out the Finnish goalie's Team Finland jersey.
– I feel like a champion! says Verhelst.
Maybe that's a sign. Poika saunoo!
Sisältö ei valitettavasti ole saatavilla.
Edit Jan 4th 2016 10:59: Fixed English, including the headline. Juttua muutettu 4.1.2016 klo 10.59: englannin ilmauksia korjattu otsikosta ja tekstistä.