Metal guitarist Alexi Laiho, 41, dead

0:55imgMTV News Live: A world renowned metal guitarist Alexi Laiho has died at age of 41
Julkaistu 04.01.2021 13:02
Toimittajan kuva
Jouko Luhtala

A world renowned metal guitarist Alexi Laiho has died. He was 41.

The Children of Bodom frontman passed away in his home in Helsinki, Finland last week. Alexi Laiho, born Markku Uula Aleksi Laiho, had suffered long-term health problems in recent years.

Alexi Laiho and drummer Jaska Raatikaisen founded Children of Bodom in 1993. Children of Bodom played fast-tempo melodic death metal, known for such songs as Are You Dead Yet, Needled 24/7 and Downfall.

Internationally Children of Bodom was one of the most famous Finnish bands during its existance. 

– We are crushed by the sudden loss of dear friend and band member. Words can't describe the shock and sorrow that we feel, the remaining members of the Bodom After Midnight said according to the statement released by Grey Beard Concerts & Management.

Children of Bodom played its last show in 2019 after which Alexi Laiho formed a band called Bodom After Midnight which would play Children of Bodom songs and record new material. 

Besides Children of Bodom, Laiho also played in various projects and bands, including Sinergy and The Local Band.

During his career, Laiho gained many awards. He was chosen as the best metal guitarist in 2019 by the magazine Guitar World. He was also gained the same acclaim from the readers of Total Guitar in 2011. Metal Hammer rewarded him with Golden Gods -award.

According to the statement, Laiho's close family contacts were important to him, especially during the last years. 

Laiho's sister had the following to say about his brother:

– We are all deeply shocked and crushed by the sorrow. The whole family hopes for peace during these difficult times. My little brother will have a family burial.

Alexi Laiho will also be missed by his family that lives in Australia.

– Alexi was the most loving husband and father. Our hearts will eternally be shattered, Kelli Wright-Laiho said.

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